English has an impact in many European languages and Albanian language as well. English words have flooded everywhere and even unnecessary words are borrowed, so it has conquered several languages of the world. This spread of English words in the Albanian language lexicon of economics and business administration is a consequence of political, economic, cultural, scientific influence, etc., in particular after 1990 (in Albania, on the occasion of opening up to the world) and in Kosovo after June 1999 (on the occasion of the entry of NATO ground forces into Kosovo).
English words or of English descent have entered as terms in particular areas of social activity. In the field of business administration, economics, finance, trade and management, these are terms that primarily denote notions and phenomena of international economics, financial and trade relations, US and UK monetary units, such as: arbitrage, audit, assets, balance sheet, business, businessman, board, budget, check, economy, export, fiscal, grant, import, equity, clearing, license, leader, trust, dollar, pound, sterling, etc.
Keywords: English analysis, business administration, special vocabulary, word terms.
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