
  • Milena Mileva Blažić University of Ljubljana. Faculty of Education. Ljubljana


The purpose of this article is literary analysis of commercial sand fairytales. For over a century, common fairy tales (i.e., Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty) have been used in pop culture, such as in Walt Disney’s animated films (since the 1920s) and advertisements (since the 1950s). We especially focused on the use of motives from fairy tales in the 30-minute commercial Le Loup, made by the House of Chanel in collaboration with Luc Besson in 1998.

Keywords: fairy tales, Bible,  Grimms’ Fairy Tales, Indo-European motifs, etc.


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How to Cite

Blažić, M. M. (2022). THE BIBLE, GRIMMS’ FAIRY TALES AND CHANEL N°5. ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association-Institute for English Language and American Studies, 11(11), pp.30–40. Retrieved from



Volume 11, Nr.11, November 2022

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